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Rotary Club of Barbados West Logo

Letter from Rotary President

The Rotary Club of Barbados West is built on the ideal that Rotary serves to improve the lives of people in the Barbadian community. As members of Rotary, we strive to make a difference through service and dedication. Our actions and commitment to service demonstrate our belief that we can achieve more, when we work together. Together, we can tackle the most pressing issues facing our communities and make important changes that impact the lives of those around us.

Our strong, capable team of board members, committee chairpersons and general membership are committed, passionate individuals. As Rotarians, we are united by our shared belief in the power of ‘Service above Self’. Our organisation has a long history of bringing people together to set aside differences and work toward common goals. At this challenging time, that spirit of unity is more important than ever.

Empowering Global Change

Discover how Rotary generates funds for donations and provides vital support to communities in need through our projects. Explore our initiatives, make a difference today!

Generating Funds for Donations

Discover how Rotary mobilizes resources to make a global impact. Read More to explore our fundraisers and join us in giving back to communities.

Providing to Communities in Need

Explore our impactful projects that uplift and empower communities. Read More to discover how Rotary is making a difference worldwide.

Latest News

Rotary Club of Barbados West Champions Nutrition and Education at Good Shepherd Primary School The…

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Literacy Drive

Rotary continuing literacy drive The Rotary Club of Barbados West is still pursuing its target…

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Current Events

Current Events: See what we’re up to!

Stay up-to-date with the latest happenings and future endeavors of The Rotary Club of Barbados West (RCOBW). Experience the thrill of attending events that are not only entertaining but also contribute to meaningful social change. Whether it’s a charity fundraiser, a community outreach program, or an educational seminar, RCOBW’s events are designed to inspire and unite individuals from all walks of life.

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