Photo Gallery

May 2024 – Health & Wellness Pop Up (Childhood Obesity Prevention Project)

APRIL 2024 – Fellowship Picnic @ WALKERS RESERVE

APRIL 2024 – Rotary Club of Barbados West ScotiaBank Polo Classic

District Conference – St. Vincent 2024 – Club members with DG Brian and Rotary International President Representative Carmen Martinez

Financial Literacy Course

Launch of the National Initiative – Transforming Our Nation Through Literacy

Textbooks presentation to Alexandra Secondary School

Rotarians in Action – Book Donations & Supporting the Dyslexia Centre

RCOBW Ellen Steinbok Hearing Project

Presentation of books to the Alleyne School by Rtn. Wayne Alleyne

Financial Literacy Course – Alexander School – Interact Club

April 2024 – Easter Hamper Packing

March 2024 – Booking Sorting #2

March 2024 – Digicel Presentation to Interact Club – cell phone for raffle

February 2024 – Rotarians in Action – Book Sorting

January 2024 – Model United Nations

Vocational Service Awards – January 30, 2024

Installation dinner 2023

Kadooment Lime Fundraiser August 2023

Founders Day Service August 2023

Founders Day Fellowship 2023

Golf Classic Fundraiser October 2023

Launch of the Rotary Club of Barbados West Ellen Steinbok Hearing Screening Project

Scholarship Ceremony

Joint Barbados Rotary Clubs Mental Health Symposium October 2023

Childhood Obesity Prevention Project – Healthy Living Expo September 2023

International Literacy Day – Children’s books donation 2023

International Literacy Day – Children’s books donation to QEH Pediatric Ward 2023

Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors Sorting books for donation to primary & secondary schools – September 2023

Environment – Bath Beach Clean Up

Environment – Tree Planting at National Botanic Gardens September 2023

Meeting with RI Peter Kyle During His Visit to Barbados 2020-2021

Scholarship Award Ceremony 2021-2022

Christmas 2021 Hamper Packing and Delivery of Gifts at Farrs Children Home

Pinning ceremony and BDF Donation

Rotarians are People of Action

One Tree for Every Bajan Program

Hamper Packing 2020

Kadooment Day Lime

Beach Clean Up

Model United Nations

Children’s Fun Day at NFR

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