Welcome President Rene Butcher – Rotary year 2021-2022
On June 26th 2021, members and their partners and friends of The Rotary Club of Barbados West, welcomed President Rene Butcher and the new members of his Board. President Rene passionately outlined his plans for the year 2020-2022 and briefly discussed his chosen project.
“With God’s help and the work of our partners we will be launching a hearing assessment project in the new year across this island. Phase 1 of this project will focus on certain age groups. Phase II will involve students across all age groups. We intend to complete both Phases by 2023.
The 2021/2022 initiatives build on the Club’s strong focus on literacy skills, general health programs and the use of technology in teaching and learning. This year we as a club will challenge ourselves even further. Demonstrating our drive, unity and commitment to impacting the success and wellbeing of Barbadian students, and the overall community. We determined to make a difference.”
‘Why?’, they ask. Because we can … and we care!”
The featured speaker, the Hon. Miss Santia J. O. Bradshaw M.P Education, Technological and Vocational Training, expressed her gratitude for the support given to the Government of Barbados by the Rotary Clubs.\